Via Alpina Day 1 : Gaflei to Sargans

Km today : 27

Km remaining : 363

At Gaflei ready to hit the trail!

It was a nice day to start this thru-hike. After a good burger and a good night rest at the Youth Hostel of Vaduz, the bus took me to the new Kurhaus of Gaflei and it was so noisy because a helicopter was shuttling some material in the mountains. Not exactly what I was looking for at this remote place. After hiking up 15 minutes the “official” start of the hike, it was time to start this journey accros the Swiss Alps. And it was kinda hard. The trail went down some 1200 meters down in something like two hours. One of my knees is still hurting now. It was chill up there but I prefer this to the heat wave that they had a few weeks ago. After getting out of the forest, I passed next to the castle where the Prince of Liechtenstein lives with it’s family. Then I crossed the tourist city of Vaduz before hitting the hot weather of the Rhine lowland.

One of the many markers that will lead the way to Montreux
The Rhine

After traversing the border to Switzerland on the old wooden bridge, I crossed Sevelen and bought a few things for lunch. After finding a nice lunch place, the trail goes through the forest direction Sargans. I had to do a nice boring detour because of some shooting exercise in a military range. I finally arrived at Sargans where I washed my feet in a Kneipp bath before getting down (my knee still hurting!) to the train station. First day was finally done after some seven hours of hike! I then took the train to Bad Ragaz. There is a nice campground right next to a nice outdoor swimming pool. What a nice way to end this first day.

Nice sunset at Vaduz
What's up next?
Via Alpina Day 2 : Sargans to Weisstannen »