Because I lost the first version of this here is it again out from my memory.
I will put a list of things that I remember and make more or less sens to me:
- 1695 official kilometers walked, probably more (10% at least)
- 0 kilometers skipped (wasn’t always easy
- 3 km was my shortest day
- 53 km my longest
- 73 days needed to complete the north island
- 9 of them were 0 days, so I didn’t walk on the trail on these days
- 20 nights were slept in a bed or a hut and
- 52 in my tent
- 3 trail angel homes I stayed at and each one of them were fantastic
- 3.5 kg of peanut butter was eaten
- 1kg of Chocolate spread was enjoyed
- 2kg of gingernut was assimilated
- 60 wraps consumed
- 3kg of trail mix destroyed
- 2.5 kg of chocolate digested
- 30 flat white (kiwi coffee specialty) were drunk
- Also I ate around 20 burgers on that Island
- 20 different beers tested
- 150 km kayaked on the Whanganui river
- I slipped a lot of time but hit the ground only three times
- 1 broken hiking stick
- 2 pairs of socks didn’t survived
- Too many km on roads
- 6 days with rain (only!)
- Lot of new amazing people I encountered
- A dozen of subburns, could have been worse
I might complete that list later if I find other numbers
26/01/2020 at 18:53Idées pour d’autres chiffres😊
– heures de marches ?
– combien de suisses rencontrés ?
– poids du sac en moyenne ?
– combien de livres lus sur ton Kindle ?
– combien d’ampoules aux pieds, et crampes ?
– combien de bouteilles de gaz pour cuisiner ?
– de fourchettes cassées ?
– combien de tubes de protection solaire ?….
antoine • Post Author •
26/02/2020 at 23:04Pour tes questions :
– 8 à 10 heures en moyenne par jour
– une dizaine sur le trail
– 15 kg avec la nourriture et l’eau
– pas tant que ça je dirais 5 livres
– pas d’ampoules mais de tant à autre quelques crampes mais rien d’anormal
– 5 cartouches de gaz actuellement
– j’ai une fourchette en titane bien solide. J’ai abandonné le plastique rapidement
– un seul tube pour le moment !