JCT Day 5 Balstahl to Weissenstein

20 km 1300m up/540m down 6.5 hours
Total 103 km
14th November 2018

After leaving Balstahl I knew that the trail was getting up in the cloud and I also knew that there was sun up there (webcam are helping…). After a great Breakfast at the hotel,  I started to walk again and motivated. The first part was just going up and up and up. At least it keeps you warm! I spotted a wild animal called chamois somewhere in the middle of the fog. We were both asking ourselves “What the hell is he doing here?”

Finally it is a great feeling when you arrive on a small summit, the weather is nice and warm and also it is very quiet because no one is here!

Going further I witnessed a beautiful phenomenon where the Fog was flowing like water down the hill. The trail was going through this flow and as soon as i hit the fog the temperature dropped fast. 

After hiking a little bit further I had to do a diversion because the official trail near Günsberg had a risk of falling rocks on it and it was advised to avoid the sector. I do not know if the trail management wants to take all precautions but then I saw the rock near the trail at the intersection I choose the detour easily. And it was muddy again! It added maybe an hour and a few dozens meters of additional elevation to hike but it was ok at the end.

After reaching the sun the trail was going down in the fog again, this is what it is like to walk around the sun/fog limit. I liked it for the most part of it.

I finally reached the Weissenstein were I witnessed an amazing sunset above the clouds. I drank a local beer and filled my water bottles before reaching a nice and more or less hidden spot to camp. I pitched up my tent, cooked some pasta before going to sleep. 


JCT Day 4 : Belchenfluhe to Balstahl
JCT Day 6 Weissenstein to Frinvillier »