JCT day 11: Ste-Croix to the Dent de Vaulion

After a good night sleep and a fantastic breakfast, I left the BnB and went on in direction of le Suchet mountain. Today the weather is much better and on top of that it will stay dry. The remaining clouds create a nice atmosphere. On the way, I saw a lot of bunkers of the WWII era. After reaching Le Suchet, I hiked down to Ballaigues where I took a break in the sun. After reaching Vallorbe to resupply and for a second break I started the ascend of the dent de Vaulion. I was getting tired but was happy to reach the summit. After a good beer I searched some water to be able to cook and then set-up camp in the forest. I was a long but nice day.

JCT Day 10 attempt number 2 : Noiraigue to Ste-Croix
JCT Day 12: Dent de Vaulion to Col de Marchairuz »