Via Alpina Day 3 : Weisstannen to Elm

Km today : 24

Km remaining : 326

Looking down at Untersäss and the Weisstannental

After finally waking up at 7:30 , having breakfast and packing everything up, I started the ascent of the Foopass. It wasn’t cold at all.

Alp Foo

At the Alp I met the first hiker speaking french. He is doing the Via the other way around and told me about the rain of the last week. He had the same backpack as me it was funny. I reached the pass easily at 11:00 after a two hour ascent.

Going down in the Sernftal and to Elm

After some lunch at the pass, I started to get down to Elm. This is where it started to rain. Almost without interruption until I arrived at Elm around 14:00. I am staying at the Segnes Gasthouse and will start again tomorrow with my dad, heading to Linthal. The knees are doing well but I will try to stretch them a little bit anyway.

Free Elmer Citro Drink right from the fountain!
Via Alpina Day 2 : Sargans to Weisstannen
Via Alpina Day 4 : Elm to Linthal »