TA day 30 Mercer to Rangiriri

26km total 704km

8.5 hours total 196.5 hours

After my second breakfast (pancakes yeah) I legt the service station at 9h30. Immediately the track went into a tramping standard one and soon I was scrambling, sweating and fighting my way through the swamps and the abundant vegetation. Some sweet cake was waiting for me at the top and it was great! Then the track got back down to the state highway and the busxho waking went on and on and on. It was really a tiring exercise and I was slow because I wasn’t seeing where I put my feet and high vegetation ask for a little bit of more exercise. Then the trail goes on a stop bank to a path near the Waikato river. The local pumpingstation provided me an opportunity to refill my bottles so I had again enough water for the last 8km. These were through farmland and the fantastic number of turnstiles (barrier crossing) made it an exhausting exercise. Finally I arrived at Rangiriri where a got some nice pie, a few beers and a huge salade at the tavern. I am for once really tired and will sleep well.

TA day 29 Drury to Mercer
TA day 31 Rangiriri to Hakarimata range »
  1. Evelyne
    07/12/2019 at 17:50

    Hola Antoine,
    Just reading the names of the places you mention makes me want to fly away. It’s a really pleasure to read your lines and enjoy the pictures as well. You should add one more statitics to the number of KM and hour, the number of beers youv’ve drunk along the way! ;o)

    Hope you’ll fully recover soon. Enjoy for us all and thank you for sharing!

  2. La cousine
    La cousine
    08/12/2019 at 23:43

    Hello Antoine ! Je viens de lire tes dernières étapes, c’est trop chouette de pouvoir te suivre dans ton aventure 👏 Hâte de lire les prochains chapitres ! Bon courage ! Bises — Anne

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