Km today : 23
Km remaining : 173
After another unexpected zero day where I went to swim in the Burgelisee in Ringgenberg it was time to hike again. This time my sister and I friend joined me to do the hike to Grindelwald. We started around 9:20 after having a coffee and getting some food. First stop was at the Reichenbach Falls. Then we had a nice home made ice tea and apricot tart at the Rosenlaui hotel. We then reached the Grosse Scheidegg Pass after a lunch break. After another cooling break it was time to get down to Grindelwald. It just started to rain as we stopped for a last drink at the Hotel Wetterhorn. As the rain was almost gone we hiked the last part to Grindelwald. The village was very very busy because of a big run with lots of participants was taking part in Grindelwald. As I wanted to get a place to sleep at the only campground, I found out that it was full because of the trail run. So I am sleeping in Interlaken again tonight. Thank you sister for providing a nice place to sleep.
Via Alpina Day 11 : Meiringen to Grindelwald