23 km 750m up/440m down 6 hours
Total 48 km
11th November 2018
Rainy in the morning , sunny in the afternoon.
We started under a light rain which stayed with us for a few hours. After getting out of the city of Baden, the path is is going through a forest and then through farmland until we get on the crest again. The way up to the pass of Staffelegg was nice. After a small break at the pass restaurant, I decided to continue further to Salhöhe pass, because it was so early in the afternoon. The weather was then nice and sunny. The red and orange colors of the fall trees leaves produced a nice atmosphere.
At the Salhöhe I slept in a hospital who also have a small hotel part for hiker or visitor. This “Klinik” is located in the middle of nowhere and is helps people with sleep or other troubles.