TA day 21 Dome Valley to Puhoi

31km total 520km

7h30 total 141h

Youhouuuuu the 500k symbolic distance is done. It was a good feeling and compensated a bit with the scorching heat of the day. It isn’t even the up and down that kill me but more the heat which means the tmy body isn’t avlent to cool down quick enough.

Anyway, after trying to hitch back to the dome, I walked up to the start of the walk and was already sweating. The trail went through gravel roads and nice track in the forest up and down through the hills. Although I had two liters of water with I was a little short with it. Luckily I was able to refill in a refill just before the last section. I finally got arribed at Puhoi where I had a few beers and a burger. There at the Puhoi pub, Johny offered to stay at his place. I said yes and after buying some breakfast for tomorrow I went to his house. Unfortunately while walking on the Highway shoulder I slipped and fell over. I injured my little toes and also managed to break one of my poles in the fall. I will need to get new ones in Auckland as the broken one isn’t really stable enough to support my tent. It could have ended.muchnworse so I am happy. I then arrived at Johnny’s place. I showed my his home and his location and the place by the river. We all had a swim with his family (even Chocky , the new puppy had a swim). Kiwi hospitality at its finest.

Tomorrow will be an easier day I hope.

TA day 20 Pakiri beach to Dome Valley.
TA day 22 Puhoi to Stillwater »
1 comment
  1. Papa
    28/11/2019 at 22:56

    Bravo !
    Nimm es etwas gemütlicher. Der Weg ist noch recht lang. Trotzdem, eine wichtige psychologische Marke.

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