TA day 9 Omahuta and Puketi forests

25km total 197km

8h30 total 56h30

And now some more forest. After a hike down the road and through some mud in order to soak the socks for real, the trail continues litterally in the river. So you just have to follow the water. Of course the track is walkable only when the weather is nice. It is cold but the water does a lot of relief to the sore foots. After some kilometers the trail goes up on the side of the river in the forest and it gets really slippery. Even after trying my best to keep the balance comes the moment where I sleep and end in the mud. But he’s that part of it. Finally the river part ends and the trail gets up with the help of a lot of stairs through the beautiful Kauri sanctuary. These fragile trees are very big and nice. The trail goes then on through the forest in a road which ends up in the campground. Fantastic day , I am happy to be able to do that in this place.

TA day 8 Mangamuka Bridge to Apple dam camp
TA day 10 Puketi Forest HQ to Kerikeri »