TA day 136 Birchwood station to Meriview hut

27km total 2870km

7 hours

And the rain is back. I decided to get on track after a late start and soon after the station the track gets muddy and soon steep up the first hill of the day. I enjoy the views before entering the clouds on the top of the hills. The wind is cold and blowing hard. I am happy to have my rain pants with me. It will be raining almost the whole day but never very hard. Comparing to what I experienced on the timber trail it is just nothing but a drizzle. From the top of the hill a forest track leads down before a forest and muddy track goes down to the farmland. From there the trail goes on gravel roads to the next hill. I use the protection of a big pine tree to have lunch below it. The second hill of the day is by far easier than the first one as it is a good forest road. I am soon on the other side of the hill and after a short road walk I reach Merriview hut. It was built by a local to provide shelter to hikers. I enjoy the marvelous sunset and eat a lot of things that I am keeping in my reserve.

No pictures? Yeah the Longwood forest (or more precisely it’s humidity) killed my almost brand new phone. I am trying to take care of my electronic equipment but lately everything seem to die. New Zealand climate is really harsh on theses things. Anyway I hope to recover at least the pictures so I can document these blog posts a little bit better

TA day 135 Telsford campsite to Birchwood Station
TA day 137 Merriview hut to Martin's hut »