TA day 48 Taumarunui to Mako stream (42 traverse)

33km total 1070

9 hours with a good break at the Owhango cafe

After the briefing at the canoe rental place (with good coffee and homemade fresh bread 😉 ) I walked back to the road for a walk to Owhango. First sealed then gravel road leaded the way through the hills and valleys. The views were nice.

I made a big break a the cafe and had an iced coffee, pancakes with ice cream and then another blueberry banana smoothie. It was fantastic and I liked all of it. I then started the 42 traverse. It is a forest road and I saw quad and Jeeps on the first part. I then pitched my tent on the side of the track, had a shower and prepared my Christmas menu.

Tomorrow morning, it should be raining but the track should stay easy all the way to the Tongariro holiday Park.

It is the 24th of December and the Canoe will be delivered on the 30th morning. This means there is five days left to do the 130km. I planned way to much time. So this give me an extra day to wait for good weather before attempting the Tongariro crossing.

Let’s hope for good weather on the 26 or at least the 27 ( the latter looks better at the moment).

TA day 47 a zero in Taumarunui.
TA day 49 Mako stream to Tongariro holiday park »