Via Alpina Day 20 : Châteaux-d’Oex to Montreux

Km today : 35Km remaining : 0After a rainy 19 where I didn’t do much and tried to rest a little despite being a little bit ill. My mom joined me and after another night and a breakfast we started what was to be my last day on the Via Alpina at 8:00. The weather was definitely better and also because of the rain it was very comfortable to hike. We first descended smoothly to la Rossinière and then attacked our first ascent to the Sonlomont pass. It was nice but we still sweated a lot. We then went down to the Hongrin river before ascending the second pass, the “Col de Jâble” we made a drink stop at the Jâble Alp before hitting the pass. From there the last uphill part of this day took us to the Rochers de Naye, highest point of the region. Unfortunately it was foggy so the people who went up didn’t saw much. We were luckier because almost all the way up was cloudless. After another break it was time to tackle the last huge descent of the Via Alpina to Montreux. Most of it was comfortable and nice except the paved and steep part around Caux. The more we approached the end of the trail, the longest the meters seemed to be. We went through the nice “Gorges du Chauderon” before arriving on the city. After another few hundreds of meter I finally saw the arrival line right next to the Geneva lake.Finally!After some 10 hours of hike today it was time to complete this amazing trail. 20 days and 390km I was at end and this gave me a nice feeling. Really. I was happy to arrive at the lake in good shape without any big injury.

Via Alpina Day 18 : Gstaad to Château-d'Oex
Where I am now. »