32 km total 1467km
8 hours
Another road walking day. The landscape were nice and the fine weather finally permitted a view of the Tararuas range. They will my playground for the next week. After a coffee break in Fieldlng, the trail continue on a other road in straight and boring line to Palmerston North. There it was fun to see the small planes fighting the wind at the airport. After walking through a industrial area and a cemetery I arrived along the river and finally through residential area at my hosts house and enjoyed a warning welcome with the kiwi human warmth. And also they have 4 retired Greyhound dogs that were amazing. A good dinner later I litterally crashed in a very comfortable bed. My right leg is stiff from all the roads and it hurts.
16/01/2020 at 16:52Je trouve les photos magnifiques.Très belle traversée. Je découvre de beaux paysages
antoine • Post Author •
18/01/2020 at 09:46Bonjour Simone je suis content que les images vous plaisent.