TA day 131 Km 2739 to Princester Road (Te Anau)

34 km total 2773 km

8 hours

Yeah the rain stopped but I still have to pack a heavy wet tent. My dry feet get almost immediately wet as I resume my long walk and they will keep that state for the whole day. The walk through the high grass is nice but it is cold so I am happily wearing my rain pants. The trail passes a swingbridge and I decide to keep on the right side of the river. This means that I will need to ford the river later on but the water level looks good. It is time for me to get my revenge on the NZ rivers. The crossing happens to be very easy and I just need to be careful not to sleep on the algae covered stones. The walk contin9 then on the left side of the river crossing various tussocks, manapouri (spicky bushes) and other swampy parts of track. I am alone there and enjoy my time. The rain comes and goes but is never too hard. Soon the southerly and ice cold wind starts to blow directly in my face. I finally find a spot in the sun to have lunch and dry my tent a little. With my feet almost dry again I then walk to the gravel road only to find out that there is a small stream to be crossed just before. Aaaaand wet feet again! The road walk is like all other roads but with a nice view of the mountain for my next section through the Tatikimu forest. As the wind wins in strength I reach the State Highway which I follow for two kilometers. I then reach today’s goal and start to hitchhike I the freezing cold of the Antarctica wind. As I finish to put my rain pant back on, a nice Taiwanese girl offers me a ride to Te Anau right to the doorstep of the hostel. Thank you Mia for the ride. I then enjoy the nice and warm shower and the nice Indian food there before heading to bed.

TA day 122 Wanaka to Fern burn hut
TA day 132 zero in Te Anau »