TA day 5 zero day

0km total 100

Hours 0 Total 25h30

The title say it all. The zero days are used to rest, read, eat new food and sleeping. This means I stay two nights at the same place but can’t wait to hike on tomorrow.

Fish and chips with a mars fried bar , yummy
And an obligatory flat white
TA day 4 Hukatere to Ahipara
TA day 6 Ahipara to Raetea forest »
  1. Evelyne Giordani
    Evelyne Giordani
    11/11/2019 at 10:47

    Hi Antoine,
    I’m bit envious of you, but also very keen on reading your lines as I’ve started thinking about taking a trip around where you… hopefully sooner than later!

    So keep coming with photos and details as I shall enjoy them drinking my morning coffee!

    The long beaches.., oh boy!, that brings back some wonderful souvenirs of my various stays in beautiful Australia; yet, like you, I’m looking forward to a change of scenery… :o) Thank you for sharing your walk with us all. Really enjoy it. Take care, including the blisters! ;o)

    You Mom’s friend, Miss E. !

  2. Papa
    12/11/2019 at 21:55

    Ganz tolle Leistung !
    Aber dank all der Trails in den vergangenen Monaten bist Du ja wirklich top fit.

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